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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Make Money Easily - How To Increase Your Fortunes And Prosperity.

Make Money Easily - How To Increase Your Fortunes And Prosperity.
Author: Thomas B. Stevenson

How much money do you make on a daily basis? Are we talking minimum wage, or a nice fat salary? The truth is that we all make various incomes, and work in a number of different fields. However, this doesn't change our desire to make more. What is it with cold hard cash that drives us further and further? You could be like Bill Gates and raking in the billions, but for some strange reason it's never quite enough.

Well, we might as well chalk it up to a human flaw and move on. It's not like this desire hasn't been there since the beginning of time. In fact, I'll bet cave men were trading off all their teeth just to get more riches, regardless of if they needed them or not. Anyway, the point is we all strive to make money. The more capital, the better. Fortunately these days we can make money easily and do it from the comfort of our own homes.

Are you anxious to make money easily? Of course you are. The trick is finding out how to go about it. I believe that it all starts with an idea. If you have a great one, then take advantage of the World Wide Web and get it out there. You may want to hurry, before someone else does.

I still kick myself for not starting a company like Pay friend. I mean, come on. This was a brilliant idea to say the least. What new concepts or services do you have up your sleeve? Maybe you're looking to start your own landscaping business, or wanting to just learn the stock market game and make money easily from your sofa.

One of the cool things about cyberspace is all the income. Did you know that people with websites can earn income? It all has to do with interesting content that others are actually interested in viewing and web transfer. How many hits can you acquire in one day? Start your own websites and find out. This is a modern way to make money easily, and do it while you're lie around on a beach somewhere. Wow, you've got to love cyberspace.

If you're interested in more ways you can make money easily, and then get online now. Find out just how much business is done from home these days. I think you'll be shocked to learn that you have the ability to make money easily, and do it without slaving away for 'the man.' There is a sea of green out there waiting. It's all about choosing the right vehicle to reach it.

About The Author
Get the latest in news, reviews and articles on and stay home businesses.

How To Invest Your Money Safely

How To Invest Your Money Safely
Author: Joseph Kenny

When it comes to making investments, most people know that there is always room for a possible loss. Stock market investments in particular are rather notorious for taking a rather well funded portfolio and emptying it rather quickly. Of course, that does not happen all the time, otherwise no one would do it. If, on the other hand, you do not want to take what many consider to be an unnecessary risk, there are a number of other investments that are reasonably safer, can still bring a good return, and are definitely worthwhile. Here are a couple of them.

A common phrase that is often used these days to refer to the making of your investments safer is having a balanced portfolio. This means that you are not putting all of your eggs into one basket. You know that some markets are a much greater risk than others, such as trading on the stock market, and so you put some of your investment capital into some that are much safer and less likely to be lost. This "balance," created by placing some of your investment into a variety of potential interest bearing accounts, should result in an overall gain.

Investments Depend On The Person

If you are a young person, then it should mean that you would be willing to take a higher risk (assuming you have some capital that may be lost). The possibility of the highest gains, unfortunately, also come from the markets with the potential for the highest change. This means that there is a much greater likelihood of a real loss - especially if you do not know what you are doing. By using the services of an experienced trader however, a stockbroker that has been doing it for years, you minimize the possibility of loss. But you should only invest a portion of your finances into the stock market.

If, on the other hand, you are much closer to retirement age, then you do not want to take such a risk with your funds. Instead, you would want to place your soon to be needed funds into a much more stable growth account, where the loss can be minimized and yet still bring a return in interest.

Stable Investing In Trust Funds

If you are looking to stabilize your investments in the stock market with something that is relatively sure, then you need to consider mutual funds. This form of investing places your investment into the hands of investors that basically do the investing for you. They watch the market, manage the funds, and make the changes necessary in order to keep your account growing. After you inform them of what level of risk you are willing to take, then the rest is done for you. They take your funds and spread them over a diverse sort of investments, and it gives you a much more stable package.

The Most Stable Investment - Bonds

Probably the most stable investment you can make is to buy bonds. The safest, of course, are the US Savings Bonds. These are purchased at a set price and guarantee a set interest amount in a specified time period. You cannot get much safer than that - and probably not much is safer than the US Government - investment wise. If you are looking for the highest stability available, then you need to take some of your investment portfolio and add some bonds to it. Bonds are also available from other corporations, cities, etc., but their strength is limited to the financial strength of the company. The longer the time period of your investment - the greater the risk that the company may not be around.

In addition to creating a balanced portfolio, you need either to become very knowledgeable about financial investing, or you need to seek professional counsel. Many people lose a lot of money every year simply because of unnecessary risks. These risks would never have been taken if they had sought counsel from someone who knows much more than they did about the market and investing methods. A truly balanced portfolio will also have an expert to help guide you through the many potential hazards of the investment world.

About The Author
Joe Kenny writes for the UK personal finance sites and also

Source :

Monday, November 06, 2006

How My Obsession With A Young Woman Improved My Vocabulary

How My Obsession With A Young Woman Improved My Vocabulary
by: Robin Henry

Never before in my life had I experienced anything so emotionally disturbing. I couldn't sleep. I'd wake up after only three hours sleep analysing every little thing that had occurred in my interactions with this lady for whom I feel an intense love.

She had passed me in the hallway and said "Hello", did that mean she was interested? She saw me from a distance, but didn't wave. Was she disinterested? Why would an intelligent, attractive female be interested in an ageing, married man anyway? Was she relationship averse, not even wanting a platonic relationship? Perhaps she prefers same sex relationships? She doesn't seem to have any men in her life ... not that I know about. Every time we meet at a social venue she's with other females or alone.

My lady friend and I went out several times for lunch, dinner, coffee, and I enjoyed her company very much. But, I realised I had nothing to offer other than a platonic relationship. I was far too old for her, although that didn't seem to bother her and other people we know are successfully paired with huge age differences. The biggest obstacle for me was that I have a wife, so it wasn't as though we could easily be lovers. I could have accepted that. My desire for her wasn't all physical ... I would have been happy with a platonic relationship if nothing else was possible.

My sleepless nights, incessant thoughts about her and my cravings for her are still with me. I couldn't believe that at my age with years of life experience I could be troubled in such a way. Was I losing the plot? I have tried to shake off this infatuation, but am still fighting it. I've never felt like this ... ever. Why had this happened to me so late in life? Was it payback?

I decided to do some research on the Internet and see if I could find some solutions to my problem. All of a sudden I learnt a new word. Although I'm well read, highly educated and have extensive life experience, I had never heard this word before.

It has a pleasant sound to it. It flows off the lips. Better still, the word describes a psychological condition that matches what I feel exactly. Exactly.

No, I wasn't losing the plot, I was suffering a well documented condition called Limerence defined as:

"an involuntary cognitive and emotional state characterized foremost by intrustive thinking, longing for reciprocation, and sensitivity to external events that signify uncertainty on the one hand, and hope of reciprocation on the other."

Here was an explanation for the emotional upheaval I am facing. It's involuntary. I didn't "make" it happen. She didn't make it happen. It just did. For the first time in my life.

So now there's a couple of options. I have to tackle my demons by asking my "limerent object" to have a relationship so that I can get over this either by having the relationship I want, or facing the rejection that will eliminate any hope (limerence feeds on hope). Alternatively, I can avoid her and hope that my feelings subside. If not, this could go on for years, not a pleasant prospect when one's emotions are going up and down constantly. Only time will tell.

I only hope that I have never caused another human being to suffer because I was their limerent object. If I have and you read this, I'm very, very sorry. I know just how it feels.

Copyright 2006 Robin Henry

About The Author

Robin Henry is a human resources specialist and Internet entrepreneur. He runs his home based business from Central Australia and his main site is at Desert Wave Enterprises. He helps businesses improve performance through working smarter.

3 Digital Software Photographers Will Appreciate

3 Digital Software Photographers Will Appreciate

By Low Jeremy

With digital technology at the forefront of every camera that you will see in the market today, it is not surprising that alongside this trend is the increase in the number of graphic tools for computers.

Now, not only do photographers have the ability to adjust the look of the pictures that they take with their digital cameras, they also have the necessary tools that will help them add more effects and create a whole new picture from the photographs that they have taken.

Below are just some of the best graphic tools and software in the market that photographers, both amateur and professional, will sure love.

Adobe Photoshop
This is perhaps the most popular and most reliable software in the market. It is widely used not only in businesses and commercial establishments but also at home. This software is remarkably easy to use and very useful. Because of its wide range of functions, there are but a few that this software cannot do, if there are any! It is one of the most flexible tools available for photographers.

Among the features that make this a stand out is the layering masks, the adjustment layers, the history brush and the layering effects, which is highly useful especially when doing multiple adjustments. Users can also make adjustments or corrections without changing the original composition of the photograph. The most recent version is the Adobe CS, which will run both in Windows and Mac.

Wacom’s Graphire3 Tablet
Because of its more ergonomic feel, this software is also a winner for digital graphic artists as well as photographers. Although, this is not as easy to use as the Adobe Photoshop, it is still comfortable to work with.

With this software, artists need not use the mouse to make adjustments. They will be using a special pen pointer which will come in handy especially when drawing a particular image or retouching a photo. This is very ideal for digital artists that deal mainly with retouching because the pointer will work best in these situations. Like Adobe, this software will also run on Windows and Mac.

Jasc Paint Shop Pro 9
Although it is often likened to the Photoshop, having basically the same range of functions, Graphic experts feel that it has a long way to go. Still, compared to its earlier versions, the Pro 9 is a definite winners, with its streamlined space and new tools and effects. Another really great feature is the option for personalization. This runs only in Windows.

About the Author: Low Jeremy maintains This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included.

Buying sex toys for her: there is no need to feel awkward

Buying sex toys for her: there is no need to feel awkward
by David Yuri

The latest idea that has crossed your mind - and imagination - has been to bring some sex toys into the more intimate "geography" of your relationship. But you do not know how to tell her that you have also bought sex toys for her. The general major obstacle is that men expect and fear that some sort of catastrophe may befall upon them in case they come one day back home, go to their partner and say: "Honey, I'm home. And guess what I've picked up on the way back?" and then, without warning, inelegantly, the man opens up his surprise shopping bag and precipitously places in front of her eyes - all of a sudden grown bigger - one of those terrific, 7. 5 inches long realistic vibrators, batteries included. Well, the foreseen catastrophe is very likely to occur - if you like percentages, it is in the range of 90% of the cases that some sort of disaster should ensue - if this is the single method you have pictured as appropriate to introduce to her your newly acquired sex friends, in the shape of sex toys for her and for you.

For one thing, you do not want to see her eyes grown bigger with speechless amazement. There's one thing to see her eyes widen with pleasure, and there's a completely different situation when one of the realistic vibrators you have imagined as just what the doctor ordered is reason of shock for her. Therefore, the best manner to handle your desire of seeing your partner feel comfortable with receiving and then using some sex toys for her is to have a talk prior to your going online and ordering them for her. So here are some facts to help you gather some courage necessary to talk to her about a subject of this sort.

Here's a good starting point: did you know that according to an impressive number of surveys women who are already involved in a relationship are more open than single ones to the idea of using vibrators and other sex toys so as to get the best out of their sex life? In fact, not only are they more open to the idea, they are actually putting it in practice more often then those unmarried or uninvolved in a stable relationship. Sex toys are often perceived - by men and women alike - as a reliable manner of actually broadening the horizons of the already beaten path of sexual experiences. Subsequently, before making a gift out of the available realistic vibrators, glass dildos, beads, bullets or any other sex toys talk openly to her or at least give her a hint, a hint generous enough for her to understand that it has crossed your mind to acquire some sex toys for her.

Then, when you have settled to buy sex toys for her, invite her to join you in your search, especially if she is a novice in the field. Moreover, remember her that you do not think that your sex life is on a downturn. Make it as specific as possible. On the other hand, if there are negative aspects in your sexual practices of which you and her are both aware, you may try to present the toys as a potential, reliable means of repairing some idle facets in your relationship. Realistic vibrators may come as her first choice; for a beginner, realistic vibrators, i.e. looking like the real thing, are more easy to become accustomed to simply because they are generally designed to accurately represent a penis. There are even testicle details added to the penis-like shape of such realistic vibrators. A plus point is given that the range of realistic vibrators is remarkably wide, so she will surely find the one to suit her.

Women use realistic vibrators for penetration; however, most of them also use them for stimulating the areas around or on their clitoris. So do not be surprised if your partner chooses a product like the clitterific flex: not only does it stimulate the vagina on the inside, but it also "assists" the woman on the path toward untried before clitoral orgasms. Therefore, your partner has finally unleashed her desires and is enjoying the benefits of her choice; in the meantime, watching her get the right vibes is surely a sight to arouse you. After she has been intensely stimulated by her toy, your penetration is expected with increased enthusiasm. In the end, both she and you will appreciate the significance that the sex toys for her has in the improvement of your regular sexual intercourse, even if they remain within the boundaries of the real-like thing; the true-to-life feeling remains in the appearance of the vibrators, because otherwise they definitely move more swiftly and steadier than fingers, hands, penis, tongue and other parts of your body you use in order to stimulate your partner sexually, so as to arouse either clitoral orgasms or inside-vagina unique sensations.

Consequently, discomfort should not accompany you when you decide to surprise your partner with a more unusual gift. The fact should only embarrass you as long as you prove really clumsy in presenting her with your gift. If prior conversations on the topic have been concluded favorably for the acquisition of sex toys and if you have noticed that your partner has a preference for a certain type of toys, then you know what to do. After you purchase the toy(s), all you have to do is to find the nicest way to gift wrap it (them) and maybe attach to the wrap up a suggestive, sexy invitation. If everything is done appropriately, your gift will be received with words and giggles of satisfaction.

About the author:
Choosing Sex Toys For Her as a gift will prove as a helpful method of
improving your sex life as long as you have had an insight into
your partner's preferences. If you want to pleasantly surprise a
sex toy beginner, Realistic Vibrators are more often than not the perfect pick.

3 Ways to Fight Erectile Dysfunction

3 Ways to Fight Erectile Dysfunction
by Tommy Lee

1. Viagra (Sildenafil)

The most popular method amongst erectile dysfunction cases
(around 90%). It is widely known that 70% of patients achieve
success. Viagra takes effect in around 20-40 minutes, but
sometimes takes 1-2 hours to take effect for some people.
Sometimes it doesn't even work at all.

However, Viagra is notorious for its common side effects. These
include headaches, flushing, Dyspepsia (upset stomach), Nasal
blockage, Urinary Tract infection, Abnormal Vision (sometimes
blindness!), Diarrhea, Dizziness and Rashes. Basically you are
vulnerable to these side effects while achieving better sexual
function! This is generally not recommended because the negative
effects outweigh the positive ones.

2. Horny Goat Weed

Also known as Epimedium, Horny Goat Weed is an odorless Chinese
herb that has been used by practitioners for over 2,000 years,
and is gaining popularity daily. The funny name came from
hundreds of years ago when a farmer noticed his goats sexual
behavior became more noticeable when they consumed this unknown
weed - Epimedium, which was later named Horny Goat Weed.
Amazingly Horny Goat Weed has no side effects.

Horny Goat Weed is basically a sexual enhancement pill like
Viagra without the side effects. Users have also reported an
increase in semen volume, and an overcome in sexual disorders.
Horny Goat Weed is gaining popularity amongst erectile
dysfunction patients, even now.

3. Herbal Alternative Viagra

These new pills are gaining popularity faster than any other
pill. Called 'Herbal Viagra' or 'Herbal Alternative Viagra'
these act more faster (15 minutes) and longer (up to 4 hours)
than normal Viagra and work better without the side effects,
since they are made from herbal ingredients. Most contain
effective ingredients such as L-Arginine, an amino acid
considered one of the most effective sexual enhancement
nutrients ever. Some also contain Horny Goat Weed or Epimedium
in their formula, which makes these products a better boost in
sexual drive than any other product.

Also, herbal alternative viagra pills are cheaper than Viagra,
which can cost up to $14 per pill. You can buy herbal Viagra for
$1 or $2 per pill, which is very affordable for many people.
Thousands of people have trouble finding the most affordable and
effective erectile dysfunction pills every time. This method is
recommended to any erectile dysfunction patient.

About the author:
Tommy Lee helps those suffering from erectile dysfunction find
the best way to fight and treat them. Herbal Alternative Viagra

Sex is a Good Thing!

Sex is a Good Thing!
by: Gwenneth Morgan

Orgasmic sex between consenting adults provides more benefits to humans than simple shared intimacy. It's also important in maintaining one's physical and mental health.

Numerous studies have shown the beneficial effects of regular orgasms. Sex has been shown to be a great cardiovascular workout and it has been proven to relieve stress, thereby preventing stress related disorders. Regular, satisfying sex may even help you live longer!

On the other hand, sexual frustration, in my opinion, is one of the greatest problems humans face today.

Now, I'm not talking about a guy who's frustrated because his wife has been out of town for a week. I'm talking about 40 year old guys who have never had sex. I'm talking about women who have been so scarred sexually, that they are hoping to get through the rest of their lives without ever having to have sex again. Where does this come from?

Well, let's start by taking a look at history and religion. In many cultures, sex has been labelled "dirty." And it's evident in the way we interact with each other every day that this perception has endured. One of the most obvious instances is the work "fuck." Apparently left over from even more repressive times, the letters are intials describing a stockade offense, "For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge." Today, it has become one of the most negative and widely used words in American English.

Look at high school boys who already have distorted views of sex before they've even participated in the act. We hear things like, "eat me", "bite me", "suck this," "nice girls don't but naughty girls do," and even as they get older, "she's fun, but she's not the kind of girl you want to marry!" How many good hearted and adventurous teenage girls have submitted to the wishes of their beau, only to be shamed, publicly ridiculed or abandoned?

Then boys become men. They get married to "nice girls" and spend the rest of their lives wishing their wives were more adventurous in bed. How many husbands hassle and harrangue their wives to give them what they need (often without thinking of their wife's needs) until she is fed up and no longer interested at all? Our whole concept of sex has become so twisted that many actually scorn its healthful and bonding effects because it has become so tangled up with pain.

And don't forget the contribution of acute sexual frustration to crime. Every sexual offense has its roots in sexual pain and frustration or misconceptions about sex. If sex offenders were capable of having loving, responsible, adult relationships, there would be no need for them to commit such crimes as rape and molestation.

What can we do?

First, let's get it straight that sex is not "dirty." It is a perfectly normal biological function and ignoring the urge won't make it go away. This is simply the way we are designed. If we truly have respect for some kind of all powerful Creator, then it's time we honor the fact that He/She/It made us the way we are. The Human body is a beautiful thing and it's wrong for us to attach such negative connotations to any aspect of our natural selves in favor of some Human conception of how we "should" be.

We must learn to embrace our sexuality. Just because you might have had a bad experience in the past does not mean you're incapable of having a good sexual experience. If your current sex life is not all that you'd like it to be, talk to your partner about what you'd like and work together to break through inhibitions. If your partner is too demanding or not open to such discussion, I suggest you think about finding another partner.

Teach our children. Studies show that children who grow up in households where the parents are more open about their bodies, as opposed to always hiding naked bodies behind closed doors, are actually better adjusted as adults. Children who get unconscious signals that the naked body is shameful or disgusting end up with many more personal hang ups and inhibitions resulting in lower self esteem which only makes it harder to enjoy a healthy sex life.

And don't be afraid to talk to children about sex. It certainly encompasses far more than "where do babies come from." Considering the impact sex, or lack of sex, has on one's life, it seems pretty silly to make everyone figure it all out for themselves by trial and error. Don't shrink away from opportunities to talk to your children about what you've learned when it comes to choosing a partner and maintaining a relationship. Even if you don't feel very successful, they can benefit from your openness and experience.

Guys, apply yourselves and learn how to get laid. Don't say stupid stuff that only serves to increase resistance to sex. You want sex. Don't cut off your nose to spite your face by sending messages that what you really want is disgusting or loathesome. And, don't let yourself get to a point where you are so desperate for sex it's all you can think about. It shows. We've all seen an unneutered dog that tries to hump the leg of everyone that comes along; it's not attractive and it won't help you reach your goal. Don't be afraid to take matters into your own hands periodically to release excess tension so you can present the real you to prospective partners.

And remember, sex is a two way street. Men wouldn't want sex all the time if they rarely ever had a real orgasm and it's the same for women. I know women who have never had an honest to goodness, shuddering, mind blowing, toe curling orgasm! Why, because their partners were far more concerned about their own pleasure instead of focusing on nuturing a long lasting sexual relationship. If all you care about is yourself, then go and pay someone to take care of your needs. Legal and regulated prostitution could go a long way to alleviating the overwhelming amount of sexual tension and resulting crime in our society.

Imagine a world where there is no sexual tension. Hold on, I'm not talking about a world where people run around naked having sex everywhere with anyone who happens to come along. I'm talking about a world where people are happy and comfortable with their bodies and sex. Where people are not so desperate for physical affection that they are actually more attractive. A world where people feel safe and willing to open themselves up to all the beneficial effects of sex. It's a tall order, I know. We've never had such a society, but it's worth it to try.

About The Author

Gwenneth Morgan is a 40ish, Pagan wife, mother and businesswoman who is totally fed up with the Old Way. With the belief that humans have evolved to a point where we can, as a group, embrace the Light, she has found the courage to openly share her views and encourage others to do the same. Visit her web site to learn more.

Today's Woman

Today's Woman
by: Rose DesRochers

She is a guide, mentor, mother, nurturer, wife and friend. She is many things to many people. She is Today's woman. She is a new woman in ever changing new world or is she? She gives and she takes only what is earned. She speaks up even when it feels uncomfortable. When life gives her lemons Today's woman takes those lemons and makes lemonade or does she?

As a woman today I have the same goals in mind as my mother yesterday. I want just as much to raise and care for my children in a healthy home environment. The only difference between me and my mother was that she was born in 1932 a time of poverty. By the age of 12 she was at home raising her brothers and sisters instead of attending school. My mother grew into a woman and took on the job of mother and wife. My mother never worked outside of the home until my father’s death in 1988. At this time she was faced with no education, no job experience and was forced back into the work force. She took a job at a factory until health forced her into early retirement. But she did what she had to do to survive.

Today I want as much for myself and my children as my mother did. However today as women we have worked our way into the right to vote, to fight for equal pay, to break away from traditional roles but I think we have over stepped our roles. No longer is Today's Woman concerned with equality but we have pushed our way with a feminist movement that we are now one up on men.

The abortion movement is one fine example of that. The law allows a woman to take power over a joint decision by aborting a life made by both man and woman and the man has no say over it. Yet the same feminist are demanding that fathers pay child support and alimony instead of teaching the single woman to financially support herself. Feminist have created Today's woman all right, they have trained and molded her to be a victim.

I will tell you that there are no victims in life only those who willingly volunteer to play the role. The sad thing is feminist don't even see how sad and how much of an embarrassment they are to other women like me. Today's Woman is teaching Today's Woman to take control over something that involves both a man and woman like abortion and yet at the same time making her depend on her man's money and encouraging the government to give her special privileges.

Being Today's Woman should mean that you can make a contribution to humanity as a whole. It should be about finding your passion in life and embracing it with determination and depending on only yourself. Today's Woman has more than equal rights and she still wants more. She wants to eat her cake and have it to. Come on you have to admit that the feminist way of thinking is pretty much bios. She wants the same rights as man but accepts a few favors because she has a set of tits and ovaries.

At one time the feminist movement might have actually stood for something, meant something to me as a woman but sadly not anymore. I was proud to be a feminist when women were shouting and marching up the street take back the night don't be a victim. But now Today's woman has gone from the nurturing caring mother like my mother was to a bitter resentful woman. Sadly by Today's woman standards if you are not a woman on the side of the line who believes in aborting the unborn child and taking Daddy to the cleaners in a messy divorce then you’re not real women.

Today's woman has labeled all women victims. By Today's woman standards there is only one way to think and that is their way. They have no problem in playing the helpless female role and taking power over man. But lets look at this perhaps it is man who is really the victim.

There are sadly to many double standards set by Today's woman so maybe I'm yesterdays woman after all living in Today's World. A mother is perhaps the most noble, important profession in society. Maybe I am just a woman who was born in the wrong century.

I know a young thirty-four year old single mother who is bringing up five children on her own. She is a woman that I admire as Today's Woman. She cares about the well being of her family. She struggles daily to uplift her family out of poverty and provide the best for those children. She made the ultimate sacrifice a mother can, she leaves her children each day to go to work and provide for them. She doesn't have any daddy in the background paying child support and alimony. She is both mother and father. She is what Today's Woman should be about. Tammy Chambers is a lady that I greatly admire as Today's woman and she could certainly teach the feminist movement a thing or two.

About The Author

Rose is a published author from Canada Ontario and is also the founder of a community for men and women over 18, where writers/poets/columnists meet and exchange ideas, contest, rate and review and help each other succeed in the writing industry. Check out Rose's first poetry book "She is like the wind" and purchase poetry that is sure to be a world of emotion on a canvas that is her soul.

Lingerie: It Can Be Both Sexy And Comfortable

Lingerie: It Can Be Both Sexy And Comfortable
by: Hazel Smith

Between men and woman there will always be different opinions on what to buy. Lingerie can be sexy, and comfortable as well as long it is the right size. Don’t try to wear bras and underwear for the size you want to be, wear the right size for you and you will be more comfortable and definitely more yourself.

It is estimated that over 70% of women wear the wrong bra size. A bra that is too tight can leave a pinching red mark on your back caused by the tightened elastic. It will also lead to bad posture because the breasts are not supported correctly. If you are wearing a bra where you are coming out of it or your curves not smooth than the bra may be too small. If the strap of the bra is coming up from under your rib cage the bra may be too small as well. Make sure to have the correct measurements and then go from there.

In buying underwear it depends on what the occasion will be as you would probably not wear the same underwear painting your house as you would if you were at the clubs. A thong can be a sexy piece of underwear with the right outfit but it can also be uncomfortable at times. Pick the underwear that fits you, comfortable, and fits the occasion.

When buying sexy lingerie pick something that could get your lover excited but don’t just pick it because you want to see either your partner or you in it, pick it for your partner as you will be happier later. You can shop for lingerie together or make a surprise gift for a special occasion or just to surprise them. Its all about what taste you have: if you like it try it, if not leave it. It all matters as to what can turn a couple on, not anyone else.

About The Author

Hazel Smith writes for, a website packed with lingerie articles and resources

The Facts Behind Ecstasy Use

The Facts Behind Ecstasy Use
by: Wendy McLellan

Ecstasy use, gained its popularity in the 1980's, mostly in the clubs. At that time, they were called "raves". Now even though it is still primarily used by young white Caucasians, other cultures and races are now using it more regularly as well. Ecstasy is commonly called E, the love drug, Adam, X, XTC. Most users of MDMA use it on a recreational basis, although there have been reports of a man using ecstasy over 40,000 times. This is not the "average" use though.

MDMA (3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine) is a synthetic, psychoactive drug chemically similar to the stimulant methamphetamine and a hallucinogen very similar in structure to mescaline. Ecstasy primarily affects the serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin affects mood, aggression, and sexual feelings. There have been numerous studies about the dangers of ecstasy, and whether or not this drug has addictive properties. There have been several studies showing that chronic users of MDMA do have withdrawal symptoms, confirming the belief that ecstasy is addictive. These symptoms include fatigue, loss of appetite, depressed feelings, and trouble concentrating, anxiety, restlessness, irritability, aggression, impulsiveness, sleep disturbances, thirst and memory loss.

There are possible physical side effects from using MDMA. They are muscle cramping, blurred vision, dehydration, high blood pressure, heart failure, kidney failure, sweating chills and nausea. One of the biggest hazards with MDMA is the rise in body temperature (hyperthermia). This has led to numerous deaths. Most MDMA users understand that they need to keep their body well hydrated by drinking water, to avoid this causality. There have been reports of clubs shutting off the water in the bathrooms so that their clients would have to buy the bottled water at ten times the cost. Symptoms of overdose of MDMA include seizures, fainting, panic attacks, high blood pressure and loss of consciousness. Using ecstasy repeatedly in short intervals can cause an overdose. This is due to the fact that MDMA can interfere with it's own metabolism and reach potentially fatal levels.

Other drugs that are sold as ecstasy have also led to numerous fatalities. These drugs are MDA (methylenedioxyamphetamine); this is the "parent" drug of MDMA, and PMA (paramethoxyamphetamine). Particularly with PMA, there is an increased risk of dying from hyperthermia. Some people who have died from PMA, believing that it was MDMA have reached temperatures of 108 degrees. The other risks involved with MDMA, as with any other illegal drug, is that sometimes there are things added to the MDMA. Chemical reports of MDMA sold on the street have shown to also have properties of caffeine, cocaine, cough suppressants, ketamine and ephedrine. These extra additives place the MDMA user at higher physical risk.

One of the more disturbing facts of ecstasy is the numerous reports that ecstasy can cause brain damage. There have been studies done on rats, mice etc. that have shown that high doses of MDMA can cause irreversible brain damage. There have also been studies completed on habitual MDMA users. In 1998, the National Institute of Mental Health studied habitual MDMA users that have not used MDMA for years. They found that these users had suffered damage to portions of the brain that regulate critical functions such as learning, sleep and emotion.

Every drug that is available whether it be prescription, over the counter or illegal, the one thing they all have in common is side effects. The side effects with ecstasy can lead to irreversible brain damage, long lasting depression and anxiety. In the worst cases, death can result. As a parent, it is important to talk to your kids about drugs. Listen to them, share your hopes and dreams with them, and support them. They are our future.

By Wendy McLellan MA, LCDPII

You Don't Have To Be A Genius To Write A Love Poem

You Don't Have To Be A Genius To Write A Love Poem
by: Marguerite Bonneville

Love poems are a wonderfully romantic gesture and can often express your thoughts far more eloquently than verbal communication.

If you have some talent with words, why not take a few moments and try your hand at writing a poem for your lover? Just sit down and list all the reasons why you think they're special. Then put them into some kind of free verse format: a wide column of lines, roughly the same length, which may rhyme but don't need to.

Even if your poem won't win any literary prizes, the person you present it to will most likely treasure it as if it were composed by one of the great Romantic poets. People tend to value a personalized gift far more than one that's purchased. What they're really appreciating is the time and effort invested on their behalf.

I'd like to share a story of the first time I received a love poem.

When I was twelve years old I had a crush on Robert, the new boy in my class at school, and he had very generously decided that I was "cute". One afternoon we were waiting with some classmates at the bus stop when he announced that he didn't like me anymore. He was now in love with my best friend, Julie.

I was so incensed by this betrayal that I lunged at him and chased him down the street. He swerved into the gutter and I bolted after him just as the bus pulled in. It hit me from behind and I went down. The bus then ran over my right foot.

A short time later, the ambulance arrived and the paramedic driver examined me. He decided that I didn't need hospitalization so he drove me home with instructions to spend the next six weeks in bed. Meanwhile, a distraught Robert was blaming himself for the accident. He asked the other children at the bus stop where I lived, and walked the two miles to my house. Then he sat across the street on the pavement, wondering if my father would strangle him if he knocked at the front door.

A couple of hours later he worked up the courage to confront my father, which turned out to be something of an anti-climax because my father had no idea about Robert's part in the drama. When Robert tiptoed into my room he handed me a sheet of paper; he had written a poem for me as he sat across the street from my house. I remember how thrilled I was that someone would do such a thing. It was like something out of a novel or a movie.

I kept that poem, which ran to one and a half legal pages, for a number of years, until it disappeared when we moved house a decade later. But I still remember the first four lines:

Her name is Marguerite
I very much like that girl
She means much more to me
Than any gem or pearl

That was a lifetime ago and yet those words remain in my memory.

As for the boy himself, by the time I got back to school Robert had moved on to greener pastures (he now liked my best friend's new best friend). But that hardly mattered as I was now a minor celebrity because I got hit by a bus while chasing a boy. The nuns had a field day praying for my soul, which was not the last time they'd engage in that futile exercise.

My right foot is still a little flatter than my left but it was worth it for the notoriety. And hey, Robert, wherever you are, thanks for the memory.

Using Other People's Love Poems

If you don't have Robert's literary talent, there is another option. Find an existing poem that best expresses how you feel and present it to your lover inside a greeting card or gift.

There are a number of sites online that offer love poems. You can find a list on our web site or do a keyword search.

Top Ten Tools for Writing Humor

Top Ten Tools for Writing Humor
by: David Leonhardt

Ever want to write a funny book or a humor column? Or add spice to your newsletter editor or web page so that people read beyond the typical drivel that sends otherwise eager-to-spend customers into a boredom-induced coma?

Here are my top ten favorite humor tools for you, along with real live examples from my own humor column.

Threading a theme through the text.

Are you into practical jokes? Try sewing a single thread of bright red wool across Uncle Henry's new green golf shirt. Or sew a thread through your text.

My Parenting Pumpkin Cheesecake Recipe is actually a delicious recipe. But I assumed there is a little helper around, and I threaded her through the text, making for sort of a running gag.

OK, time to up-tempo the laughs. Mid-way through, I run a second thread, renaming the cake with each mistake. The thread within a thread multiplies the humor.


Contrast what should be with the obviously deficient reality

I use this technique in Home Of The Year. Most people will agree that a home is more than just a house.

I contrast the reality of my I-survived-the-hurricane home with the Martha Stewart image of how a home should look -- the old little-miss-perfect Martha Stewart image, not the new-and-not-improved, scandal-defying, corporate shark image.

Notice I also use the threading tool in this piece – the drawings on the wall -- and bring it together at the end to reinforce the main point.


Build on a ridiculous notion

Consultants call this thinking outside the box and charge you for it. I call it humor and give it to you for free.

I had a bad hairdresser day. I held my hairdresser accountable for my thinning hair, a ludicrous idea that works.

Let's up-tempo the laughs. Mid-way through, I compound the humor with another ludicrous notion: growth formula making my scalp taller rather than my hair thinner.

See .

Mock a public figure

This is possibly the easiest humor tool to use. Public figures are just so mockable. They naturally rise to their own level of mockability. I wrote a column mocking Michael Jackson – and the media's over-fascination with his arrest. That was one of my worst columns, so I won't show it to you. Hey, I said it was easy, not funny.

Don't see.

Act like a clown

I start off my Vulture column, based on a true news story, by playing the fool, saying silly things and displaying a general ignorance. This gives my uncle the opportunity to set me straight. In classic Laurel and Hardy style, the straight man makes the comedian funny.

See .

By the way, this also allows a humorist to be funny on touchy subjects, without offending.

The heckler

I love to inject a heckler into an already silly situation. I applied a news story about a law suit over cow hormones to my "New York Times best seller". It was actually a bit like mocking a public figure, but what made this column exceptional is how Ruby Red kept interjecting her own slightly out-of-context comments into what was already a silly situation.

See .

Give human characteristics to non-humans

This is a great tool for laughing at human foibles. It is at the very heart of Gary Larson's Far Side cartoons. I offered leadership lessons from six penguins who were helping the other penguins live up to their full "penguinhood". This is also based on a news story, although some of the penguin dialogue had to be contrived.

See .

Build laughs upon laugh

My favorite column is where I try so hard to be a giver, but everybody makes me out to be a taker. I start with the simple premise that givers sleep better at night.

The whole column is a play on words, but what makes it one of my best is how I react to people calling me a taker. You can feel the desperation, and almost picture me running away in horror. This is the same tool every stand-up comedian uses; as your laughter subsides, a new punch line builds on the previous one.

See .

Give funny names to things

I itemized a whole series of customer service styles. One of them was "do-it-yourself extortion". Need I say more?

See .

Funny faces and weird sounds.

"Oh no, waa-aah ... boom ... ouch! ... bump ... yikes! ... crash." "Bhrhrthrpt." Those are just two of the sound effects I use to describe extreme fatigue. Words or not-quite-in-the-dictionary sounds can paint a pretty funny picture.

See .

There are many other well-known humor tools available, such as exaggeration, playing deaf, reversing roles and throwing cream pies. If you figure out how to do that last classic in a humor column, please let me know how.

Are You Talking To Me?

Are You Talking To Me?
by: Scott Lindsay

In poetic literature you will often find a poem that seems to be inviting the reader to participate in an adventure or a love story. The use of ‘you’ is evident in the poetry, but in most cases the reader understands that the poem is written to a third party and the author is simply allowing you the opportunity to read these moments of intimate conversation.

Possessives in poetry, marked by an apostrophe, are a way to understand that the poem is written for and to another person – even when written from a first person perspective.

There is, however, a unique form of writing called Authorial Intrusion that will find the author breaking away from the storyline and speaking directly to the reader. This technique is sometimes used to take a work of fiction and make it seem somehow real. This is accomplished when the storyteller breaks from the action to talk directly with you.

Authorial Intrusion can also be used in poetry and is used extensively in persuasive essays. In fact, in essays Authorial Intrusion is often used as a means of allowing a personal voice of persuasion to assist in the point being argued.

You can see the use of Authorial Intrusions in old detective movies where they step out of the shadows and talk to the audience about what they are thinking. This particular adaptation has been used for comic effect in recent years as it has been used extensively in film parodies.

As film and fiction writing have matured the use of Authorial Intrusion has diminished. Sometimes Authorial Intrusions make a work seem amateurish simply because the audience is informed of an impending scenario just before the scenario plays out. It can come across as redundant and unnecessary.

Here’s a short example of Authorial Intrusion…

“Ben had assumed there was nothing to fear on the plateau, but he didn’t see the grizzly bear approaching from behind.”

This particular example really isn’t needed in the context of the story. If the story is indeed Ben’s then allow the reader to experience the emotions Ben has when he makes the surprising discovery.

In the case of fiction writing Authorial Intrusions should be minimal in a worst-case scenario and eliminated altogether in a perfect world. When you choose a Point of View in which to tell the story it is best to allow that voice to remain as consistent as possible throughout the narrative.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

I Want A Second Chance But I Keep Making Her Mad

I Want A Second Chance But I Keep Making Her Mad
by: Mark Webb, Licensed Marriage Therapist

As a therapist, I regularly counsel with men and women who are suffering with a broken heart. They tearfully plead their sincerity. Unfortunately, their fear often takes the lead of their focus and they switch to merely trying to figure out the formula or combination to get their partners to take them back again. They would rather get their own way versus doing the right thing. Be mature. Be consistent. Follow this advice.

* Don't Rally the Troops. This means don't go around and talk with all of your partner's friends, family, co-workers and worst of all, your religious leader. Men are especially prone to do this. This is a form of emotional manipulation based on guilt and shame and tends to only push your partner further away.

* Don't Fish For Reassurance. This no-no is a search for a ray of hope from the words "I love you too". Don't bait your partner with the proclamation "I love you". This forces them to respond with "I love you too" which they don't want to say. They may not give any response, which really hurts.

* Don't Repeatedly Ask Your Partner To Come Back To You. Each time you ask you are usually setting your chances back for another week.

* Don't Call. Don't Drive By. Don't Show Up At Their Work. Exercise a lot of restraint. This is very hard but it is crucial.

* Don't Try To Figure This Out By Yourself. Get a therapist or an equivalent to help you process your feelings and to develop the best approach. Telling everyone the business of your relationship will only undermine your goal and most likely make you look stupid.

* Don't Try To Be A Detective. Snooping around is a violation of their personal space. Don't go through their dressers, their e-mail, or their car. Just because they aren't feeling close to you doesn't mean that there is someone else.

* Don't Send Your Best Friend As Your Ambassador. This approach works better than you going but you have to consider that you are only trying to gain leverage versus respecting their need for space and time.

* Don't Try To Make Them Jealous. If you do this you are playing games and not seriously making an effort to hear the needs of your partner. You're also playing with other people's emotions.

* Don't Talk Bad About Your Partner. Saying negative things about your partner or trying to get people to side with you by telling your partner's faults or private matters is unforgivable.

* Don't Display Temper Tantrums. A lot of people use aggression to get their way but this reinforces your partner's notion of why they left in the first place.

* Don't Use Children As Pawns. Children are effective tools to play with your partner's heart. However, this does damage to the children and your partner will grow to hate you. Stop trying to get your way and begin doing the right thing.

* Don't Be Inconsistent.

Stop the Negative Fantasy

Stop the Negative Fantasy
by: Rachelle Disbennett-Lee, PhD

Worry is one of those things that will pull you down and stop you in your tracks quicker than most anything else. Most things you worry about don't happen, but that doesn't seem to stop anyone from spending time and energy worrying. Worrying ruins the present by bringing in anticipation of possibly negative future events. When you worry you are actually doing something referred to as "negative fantasy." You are fantasizing not about the good that can happen, but the bad.

It is easy to say stop worrying, but much harder to actually stop. If worrying has become a habit, it can be difficult to break. One suggestion I give my clients is to set aside time each day to worry. This might seem counterproductive, but actually it helps by getting the worry out of the way. My clients have also reported that by actually setting time aside for worry they have seen how worthless it is. Just sitting there worrying is a waste of time and most people end up doing this exercise only a couple of times until they realize that worrying is fruitless.

To stop worrying, you first have to become aware you are worrying. Every time you catch yourself worrying do something that will bring your awareness back to the present. You could wear a rubber band around your wrist and snap it every time you catch yourself worrying. You could place a check mark on a worry list or just say out loud, "Stop worrying!" Anything that will interrupt what you are doing and bring your awareness to the forefront will work.

When you find yourself worrying about a future event, say to yourself, "If this event happens, I would do this." By actually coming up with a plan for what you are worrying about, you defuse the worry. It is helpful to plan for the future. It is fruitless to worry about it. Trying to stop worry most likely won't work unless you replace it with something else. Instead of worrying, work on being proactive about what you are thinking. Create solutions and take action to avoid the situation completely. Part of worrying is the feeling of being helpless. If you create a plan of action, you will be prepared for what might happen and won't have to spend time worrying about it.

Computer No Longer Fast?

Computer No Longer Fast?
by: Anthony Elias

Ahh...Remember that first day you brought your computer home, plugged everything in, it was a beautiful site, it was fast, web pages loaded quickly and programs launched within seconds or faster. But after a few months or weeks things began to slow down, and you think oh man what a piece of *@&* this thing only lasted a month. Let's take a look at what happened.

Disk Drive Clutter

What you may not have realized is that in all that time you were surfing the net and downloading programs installing, and uninstalling software, is that in all that time junk has been building up on your hard drive, temporary internet files, software that you tried but did not like, but never bothered to uninstall, emails from friends and family, that are sitting in your inbox and sent items. All that junk is slowing down your computer.

When you’re hard drive becomes cluttered it begins to slow down. Your computer performance is degraded substantially. The more files you have stored on your hard drive the more they get scattered and fragmented, which in turn slows down how fast programs respond to your clicks. Think about your hard drive as a huge filing cabinet, when all the files are neatly organized and labeled, it is easy to find what you are looking for, but take that same filing cabinet and dump it all over the ground, it well take longer to find that certain file or folder that you were looking for. A computers hard drive is the same way, as files become fragmented your computer takes more time to gather the correct files and execute your commands.

In addition the more files you have fragmented the less space on your hard drive your computer has, resulting in less virtual memory. That open area or unused space on the hard drive is used as virtual memory by your computer, if you have limited free disk space for data swapping your computer will become sluggish and slow to respond to commands, so keep your hard drive clean and remove or uninstall any programs or files that you don’t need and you will see a marked difference in the way your computer performs.

There are five major factors that contribute to a computers performance

1. The type of processor you have in your computer. Not all processors are created equal. Budget brand or bargain brand processors such as the Intel Celeron or the AMD Duron are lower end processors. If you want a high performance computer stay away from the lower end processors.

2. Along with processors type comes with the maximum available cache in a processor. The large cache a CPU has the less time it needs to access the computer memory.

3. Front side bus, once again the larger or faster a computer front size bus is the better a computer will perform. The front side bus is what carries all the data between the CPU and all the devices on board the computers motherboard.

4. Hard Drive, once again it comes down to speed, typically most home PC’s will have either a 5800rpm hard drive or a 7200rpm hard drive. The faster the hard drives spins the faster the CPU can access data on the hard drive.

5. And finally memory. The quality and performance of computer memory or RAM has increase significantly the past couple of years. DDR RAM set in channels of the computers mother board has substantially increased the speed and performance of today’s computers. With that said, the more memory you have the better your computer will perform. However there is a point where too much memory becomes just a waste of money. If you are a gamer you can probably never have too much memory, but if you use your computer for web surfing and email, 256-512MB is plenty good on a Windows XP machine.

Seven Cs to Avoid Procedure Writing Errors

Seven Cs to Avoid Procedure Writing Errors
by: Chris Anderson

You do your best to make sure your organization is operating as effectively as possible. But if your policies and procedures are incomplete, outdated, or inconsistent, then they are not driving the performance improvement they should. When employees try to use incomplete or undefined procedures, waste and costly errors soon follow.

Case Study: Little Mistakes Add Up Quickly

Without knowing it, employees at a local auto parts company were having a costly problem determining when to accept customer credit. The company actually had a detailed credit application procedure, including an exhaustive error correction routine, but the procedure had one fatal flaw: it was not properly indexed.

Indexing Improves Usability

Without a way to readily locate and reference the applicable procedure in the operations manual, employees could not find it and were simply not using it at all, leading to an inconsistent process and wildly varying output. Potentially valuable customers were regularly turned away by some staff members, while others accepted bad credit risks because they were unsure of which ones to reject.

A small omission like this can add up to thousands of dollars in lost sales and good will. Even the most thorough procedures inevitably have gaps that come from being "too close" to the process or not following the basic rules of effective procedure writing.

Profit from Experience

To be effective, procedures must be action oriented, grammatically correct, and written in a consistent style and format to ensure usability. These guidelines, along with industry "best practices" that are documented in auditable criteria, can be used to improve your procedures:

1. Context. Actions must properly describe the activity to be performed.
2. Consistency. All references and terms are used the same way every time, and the procedure must ensure consistent results.
3. Completeness. There must be no information, logic, or design gaps.
4. Control. The document and its described actions demonstrate feedback and control.
5. Compliance. All actions are sufficient for their intended compliance.
6. Correctness. The document must be grammatically correct without spelling errors.
7. Clarity. Documents must be easy to read and understandable.

Quickly Improve Your Policies and Procedures without the Hassle

You can quickly resolve these usability problems and improve performance, and also upgrade your documentation to "best practice" standards without hassles or commitments. By beginning to improve your documents, you will be able to identify areas for improvement. And you can start today with the 7 Cs of “best practices”.


Guess this being my first blog, I would like to say hello yo all of you!

Keep rocking!!!