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Friday, March 30, 2007

Why You Should Talk to Fat and Ugly Girls

Why You Should Talk to Fat and Ugly Girls
by: Dan Tolumbro


One thing I’ve been noticing from going out lately is that the hottest girls I end up making out with or number closing usually aren’t in the set when I open..

What happens is I go up to some girls who are maybe 5’s to 6’s, and chat with them, get them giggling, etc. From there, a hot girl, maybe an 8-9 walks up and introduces herself to me. Believe it or not, a lot of hot girls roll with less attractive girls. From there on you already have the group’s comfort and appreciation so it is easy to isolate the hot girl from there.

Just two weeks I had rolled up to a couple less than attractive girls and said “You seem fun, I just had to say hi.” We were chatting back and forth, when a hot 8.9 came up. I started doing some dance spins with her around, and within a minute said “Your legs are tired, my legs are tired; Let’s go sit at that booth.” I took her by the hand and led her to a booth away from the others and we started cuddling. Within minutes, we were making out and I got her number. She’s still calling me back and we’re setting up a meet soon.

Now could this have worked had I waited until the 8.9 was already in the set? Of course. But I’ve found it to be far easier to attract a girl if you hit the set before she arrives. You’ve already won over her friends at this point. Even if you haven’t won over her friends it can still work well if you’re already in the set. Some months back, I went up to two girls who weren’t that interested, and a third girl came up who was interested. She stayed behind when her friends left and we ended up making out at the bar.

On a more general note, you should be playfully bantering with all types of women, and guys as well. Throughout your day, you should be bringing joyful interactions to as many people as possible. The fat ghetto girl serving you at Burger King? Make her smile. You don’t have to outright flirt of course, but just a little playful misinterpretation can help the day.

Also by talking to as many people as possible you can sort of “neg” the girls you finally legitimately approach. If you only go up to hot girls in a bar, the girls around you notice that you’re gaming. However if you’re talking to one legged girls and random guys all around the bar, when you’re finally going up to the hot girls, they assume you’re just being social and that It’s not a full blown approach.

About The Author

Dan Tolumbro is a dating advice coach for men at:

At his site he provides free information on how to meet women in bars without fear and how to take it to the next level. To receive updates on new dating tactics, amd a free 46 page ebook, send an email to

Barbie Doll - The Perfect Figure?

Barbie Doll - The Perfect Figure?
by: Terry Edwards

While no one will argue with the popularity of Mattel's Barbie Doll, one area that has raised its fair share of controversy over the years is her figure.

Many parents from around the world have argued that Barbie's ultra-slim figure represents a ridiculous standard for a body shape. They say that many girls grow up thinking that they must have the same figure as Barbie or there is something wrong with them. While I don't take that radical of a stance, I will say that it would be quite difficult to measure up to Barbie's standards.

If you take the measurements of Barbie, she would be over 7 feet tall, weigh around 125 pounds, and have a shape of 32-20-42. Of course, no woman could maintain a figure like that, but this is where the controversy stems.

In addition, Barbie has a very long neck. In fact, her neck is nearly twice the size of the average woman. Her feet are also another source of criticism with many saying that Barbie's feet are only half the size of a normal womans due to foot binding. That is the practice of preventing your feet from growing by constricting them.

Some have went as far as saying that the Barbie doll has caused their children to become anorexic from trying to maintain Barbie's figure. I think that may be a little extreme, but I can see both sides.

In recent years, Mattel has given in a little bit on this issue and widened Barbie's waist a bit. This took place around the year 2000. Barbie now has a more proportioned waist.

Regardless of what Barbie's figure looks like, or who is right or wrong on this issue, the real winner in this debate is Mattel. The added controversy and publicity only helps to fuel sales. I wonder why no one talks about Ken's figure?

About The Author

Terry Edwards

You can find out much more about Barbies Perfect Figure at as well as more information on everything to do with Barbie on our website at

Accessorizing Ideas For Your Prom

Accessorizing Ideas For Your Prom

by: Christopher Smith

With prom just around the corner, most high school students are trying to make serious plans in order to make this night memorable for them and their dates. Most girls can hardly wait to show off their beautiful dresses or get a look at their guys dressed to the nines. For this special occasion, learning about current fashion trends provides a bit of an edge in choosing the proper dress and accessories for this very special occasion. While many will spend hours, days, even weeks agonizing over the best or most beautiful dress, when the truth is there is so much more to prom than the dress you will wear.

If you have already found your perfect prom dress, that's great but the work doesn't end with the selection of your dress. You must first make sure you find the perfect shoe to wear with your dress. While fashion is important, the most important aspect of finding the perfect prom shoe is comfort. It doesn't matter how great the shoe looks if you can't dance in it. Heels are a wise choice for prom as they emphasize the shape of your legs and "force" you to use better posture. Just make sure they fit well and are comfortable.

You will also want a small delicate purse of handbag for prom rather than your overstuffed every day bag. Your purse for prom only needs to be large enough to hold emergency funds, stockings, lipstick, cell phone, camera, and a few safety pins. If you can, try to find a purse that matches your shoes and dress.

Now that the biggies are out of the way you can concentrate on the small touches that make prom night special: your jewelry. You will want jewelry that matches the personal theme you are trying to set for the evening. If you are going for elegance you will want understated simple jewelry, if you are going for a fun theme with bright colors you might want to find jewelry that is fun and perfect to match your mood. Most importantly, select jewelry that you will wear again at some point in your life. Your jewelry is the icing on your cake for the prom so you do not have to overdo it in order to make an impact.

If you feel a little exposed in your prom dress or are worried about a chill in the air as the night wears on, you can opt to wear a shawl or wrap that compliments your prom dress. This can be a beautiful addition to your prom attire, especially considering that it is not exactly appropriate to wear a jacket for warmth. Your shawl or wrap is an excellent choice for added modesty as well as warmth on your prom night.

About The Author : Christopher Smith

Getting ready for the prom can be stressful if you don't know what you need to know. Find out everything you need to know to make your prom night perfect: